February 22, 2012

The gorgeous bag that I'm so obviously in love with.

All the stuff that fills it xD

My keys! A picture of my brother's graduating class at his old school, a glitzy glam keychain, house key, car key, change purse (that I use for pictures.), a flashlight, a school picture of my brother, two tassels that are my  high school's colors, a calculator, and a few other things

All the pictures I carry

The book I'm currently reading whenever I have a free minute. It's one of my all time favorites, by my all time favorite author.

Inside my wallet. My licence, my American Red Cross card, my Kroger's plus card, my Dick's sporting goods score card, my debit card, and my dorm keys.

My wallet

my sunglasses

My lotion and hand sanitizer

And lastly my EOS chap stick and a peppermint from sonic.

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